Primary Eyecare Assesment Referral Scheme

Have you got a sudden new eye problem?
You can get this assessed free of charge at most local opticians.
If you are registered with a Kirklees or Calderdale GP and have a new acute eye problem, such as a red, painful eye, a foreign body in the eye or sudden deterioration of your vision, you can now get assessed at a number of local opticians’ practices.

This means every optician participating in the PEARS scheme can examine and possibly treat you for the problem. If the optician finds your eye problem is more complicated, they will be able to refer you directly to the Ophthalmology department at the hospital.

Do I have to see my GP first?
No, this service means you can be seen quickly, without having to go to your GP.

Do I need an appointment at the opticians?
The optician will decide whether you need to be seen immediately or not, but we will aim for you to be seen within 24-48 hours.

If you are experiencing any above the above symptoms, or have concerns, then call us on 01422 372755 or visit our store.

9am – 1pm & 1.40pm–5.30pm
9am – 12.30pm

01422 372755

31 South Gate